Avast ye! The talented crew at StationForge has unleashed a band of mischievous Gobs Pirates upon the seas of the tabletop world. These pint-sized buccaneers, meticulously painted by a coalition of Chest of Colors artists, are ready to embark on a voyage for a noble cause.
The NOCF: Gamers Uniting for Good
Heart-warming sentiments from Chest of Colors: The Nova Open Charitable Foundation (NOCF) is a beacon of hope in the gaming community. They rally the compassionate force of gamers worldwide to support various humanitarian causes. Since its establishment in 2013, NOCF has been instrumental in raising funds through the artistry of miniature painting, turning painting miniatures into a form of philanthropy.
A Crew of Gobs Pirates: Painted for Purpose
Chest of Colors notes that several painters from their team, including: Ańa, Benathai, Kacpero, Luke, Marta, Rejven, Sadziu, Thymos.Theos, and Tosuto, joined forces to bring color and life to the Gobs Pirates. Each miniature, from the cunning captain Hook to the lowliest deck-hand, has been individually interpreted by their painter. This infused each character with personality and flair.
A Treasure Trove of Talent
The contributing artists poured their passion into every brushstroke. They ensured that these Gobs Pirates are not just miniatures but vibrant characters with stories to tell. The attention to detail is clear in how each artist gave an individual personality to each crew member. And their painting reflects it!
Role-Play or Tabletop
The pirate theme of these little miscreants has a ton of character and will make a great addition to any roleplaying game ~ or could be used as a substitute for your favorite goblin army in a tabletop game. The artists at Chest of Colors have stretched the boundaries of traditional "goblin green" with this set and these will no doubt be eye-catching on the table.
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